Gift Certificate

Gift Certificate


Looking for the perfect gift?

Simply follow the instructions below:

  1. Your Full name, phone number and the time of the day, that will be convenient for contact.

  2. The Full name and phone number of the gift certificate recipient.

  3. The dollar amount, services or package you wish to purchase.

  4. Payment can be done by Visa, MC, cheque, etransfer or cash, at pickup, delivery time or mail.

  5. For more information about gift certificate, please call:  Marie at 604-599-9435 or email your request to


Printable spa gift certificates offer that special somebody the flexibility to choose any product or service from Marie Spa. Great for any occasion!

These gift certificates are delivered by e-mail so you can print them out right from your home computer.

Give the gift of health and time to your the ones you care for!